For Parents


National Association for Gifted Children


Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted


Hoagies' Gifted Education Page

twice exceptional


Council for Exceptional Children- Talented and Gifted Facebook Page

mensa for kids

Visit the Mensa for Kids website 

COMAR Gifted & Talented Education

Frequently Asked Questions

Websites and Articles

A Culturally Responsive Equity-Based Bill of Rights for Gifted Students of Color (NAGC)

Gifted 101 (Hoagies)

Gifted Characteristics (Davidson Institute)

Giftedness and the Gifted: What’s It All About? (Davidson Institute, ERIC Digest#E476)

GT Discover website Discover and contribute to the wealth of information and resources available for Gifted and Talented students and their families.

Glossary of Terms NAGC

Identification (NAGC) and types of tests (Hoagies)

IQ-to-Grade Conversion Chart, by Valerie C. Bock, VCB Consulting

Levels of Giftedness  (Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page)

National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented

Neurodiversity Resources (HEROES Academy, NJ)

Parent's Place of Maryland (Resources, support and info for parents of students with special needs)

Parent Resources-NAGC

Parenting the Profoundly Gifted (resources from Michelle Tanner's blog)

Publishers of books for educating or raising gifted children

Traits of Giftedness: Cognitive, Creative, Affective, Behavioral (NAGC)

2e Videos

NAGC Top 10 Myths and Truths 

We are Gifted Too (blog) This blog provides a site for advocates of culturally diverse gifted learners to share concerns, resources and connect with each other. 

Thursdays 8pm EST

Global #gtchat Powered by TAGT is a weekly chat on Twitter. For one hour, parents, educators, advocates, and experts in the field of gifted and talented gather to share resources, links, authentic life experiences, and insights about gifted issues. 

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Follow us and retweet to help us expand our reach. We share information relevant to parents of gifted learners in  Maryland.