Join Us
individual membership
$25 for one year
$40 for two years
Membership year runs from September 1 - August 31
Complete the individual membership form online using the button below.
Click here to pay online with PayPal.
Make checks payable to MCGATE and mail to the address on the form.
Individual Membership Benefits
Quarterly members-only newsletters
Networking opportunities
Free access to seminars, events, and contests during membership year
Legislative alerts
Members can nominate individuals or groups for awards/scholarships
Members may serve on committees, hold office and vote in MCGATE elections
MEMBERS KNOW: You are supporting leaders who advocate on behalf of gifted learners in Maryland
$180/one year
PK-12 School Systems & Schools
MCGATE individual memberships for up to 8 individuals
MCGATE will provide one free interactive webinar/meeting on a requested topic.
Your organization and website listed as an “Organizational Member” on our website.
Other Educational Organizations
MCGATE individual memberships for up to 8 individuals
Organizational announcements in MCGATE newsletters/social media posts (3/year).
Your organization and website listed as an “Organizational Member” on our website.